
Has being an athlete made you love your body or hate it?

Has being an athlete made you love your body or hate it?

If you've been reading this blog the past two weeks, you might be thinking, "Noel, you're crazy. How can being an athlete be both good and bad? You are saying opposite things." 

Well, silly, like most things in life, context matters. 


Why being an athlete is good for your body image

Why being an athlete is good for your body image

Athletes are the best. 

To quote Drake: 

"You know a lot of girls be thinking my [blog's] about them, but...{athletes], this one's for you" 

You've heard me talk about how water polo has been awesome for my body. I also think that athletes have a good shot at a healthy relationship with their bodies in general. 

Even though, being an athlete can cause a few other issues with your body, it can also be really great. 

Here's why being an athlete makes you good at being body positive. 

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