3 Reasons to Stop Worrying about George R.R. Martin

George R.R. Martin officially issued the finger to his readers concerned he will die before he finishes his series of books that have inspired the HBO series, Game of Thrones.

And, I have to say, I agree.  

For those of you unfamiliar, George R.R. Martin is a sturdy man of about 66 years old. Some readers and fans of the books and series have concerns about his "health" because he is "overweight."

This is, quite frankly, BULLSHIT. 

Here are 3 reasons you don't have to worry about Georgey. 

1. You have no personal information about his health. Nor should you. 

I believe I've talked about this in other blog posts, but according to the Nurse's Health Study, weight is just one factor in living a long life. And actually, if he's exercising, eating fruits and vegetables, limiting alcohol, and getting good sleep, weight isn't even a factor in longevity of life. 

But the truth is, we don't know about his personal health habits and, because he's not a health guru showing up every other week on Dr. Oz, we probably don't have a right to that.

It's called privacy. It's the reason your mother-in-law can't look up your history of gynecological visits and make judgements about you based off of how many UTIs you've had. 

 Which brings me to my next point. 

2. To quote Neil Gaiman,  "George R.R. Martin is not your bitch."

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that George R.R. Martin probably has a publicist or agent. That means any time he does an event or writes a show or hangs out with other celebrity fantasy novelists, it's supposed to show up somewhere in the media. To, I don't know, help increase public awareness or SEO so that either he or HBO can make a living off what they're doing. 

We're not sitting there being like, goddamnit Jennifer Lawrence, why isn't all of your energy going into making more Hunger Games? Because, well, she has to eat and sleep and focus on other projects. 

Just like you publicly liking things on Facebook when you have other projects that you're working on that maybe other people would like you to finish. 

And, that's why I have to bring up my 3rd point. 

3. Shaming other people for their weight doesn't really help you. 

This whole idea warrants its own blog post which is coming your way soon but here's the simple logic of it: 

If you're judging someone else because of their weight, then you probably worry that other people judge your weight. 

If you're worried about other people judging you based off your weight, then you're probably fixated on fixing your weight.

And, as we established earlier, weight doesn't really matter if you're taking care of your body. 

Stop worrying about weight even if you can't "wait" for more Game of Thrones. 

Oh, homophones.



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