Why being an athlete is good for your body image

Why being an athlete is good for your body image

Athletes are the best. 

To quote Drake: 

"You know a lot of girls be thinking my [blog's] about them, but...{athletes], this one's for you" 

You've heard me talk about how water polo has been awesome for my body. I also think that athletes have a good shot at a healthy relationship with their bodies in general. 

Even though, being an athlete can cause a few other issues with your body, it can also be really great. 

Here's why being an athlete makes you good at being body positive. 

Was being an athlete bad for your body image?

Was being an athlete bad for your body image?

Athletes tend to be pretty good-looking.

Admittedly, I joined the water polo in college partially because I wanted to play water polo and partially because I was hoping to meet an attractive man wearing a speedo (spoiler alert: I did).

Being an athlete means that you are concerned about your body. 

As a result, all sorts of body image issues arise from being an athlete. Because you, dear reader, are likely an athlete, I have written this post to give you an excuse to feel like we're the same kind of person and I totally get you. 

Here's why athletes have a tough time with body image: 

Is dieting a "choice" for women?

Is dieting a "choice" for women?

In last week's post, I posted a video from Anita Sarkeesian about "choice feminism." 

She mentioned this idea that we live in "systems." While it feels like we have space to make some personal choice, these choices have parameters.

But, what does all this have to do with body image? 

What to do when you feel crappy about your body.

What to do when you feel crappy about your body.

Spring time is rampant with all sorts of "detoxes" and "cleanses" encouraging you to stress out about how your body looks. And, even though I like to think I'm immune to this nonsense, I'm not. Today, I found myself thinking WAAAAAY too much about my belly. 

I'm a child of the 90s and during key developmental parts of my life, "midriff tops" were a super big deal. Can you say Hit me baby one more time? I've always been REALLY insecure about my belly. 

I wanted to share what really works for me to get out of the body shaming funk so you, too, can stop the cycle:

Why even chubby puppies deserve love

Why even chubby puppies deserve love

If a human can't love you at a bigger size, they don't deserve you.

You might think, "Noel, you don't know what you're talking about. You've been in a relationship for 7 years and now we all have to go on Tinder and make the best first impression using one picture of ourselves and 10 seconds." 

You're right. It's tough out there. People are totally making split second decisions about who you are based off your picture. 

Let's take a look at WHY you think people who are fat are not "attractive." 

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